Distribution Agreement: Definition, Key Terms, How It Works


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What is a Distribution Agreement?

Distribution agreements are contracts between a distributor and manufacturer. They are also sometimes called wholesale distribution agreements, though not all distribution agreements are wholesale in nature. They often allow the distributor to sell, market, and profit from the sales of a manufacturer’s or wholesaler’s product in bulk. However, it is not a requirement for all distribution agreements. Distribution agreements can also cover distribution of products in smaller quantities or through different channels. A distribution agreement typically uses the terms and conditions that address territories, exclusivity rights, reporting requirements, and more.

If you need a distribution agreement, you should consider the essential parts, how they work, types of distribution agreements, when to use one, and how to get help drafting one.

Parts of a Distribution Agreement

Parts of a distribution agreement vary according to the transaction type. Both parties must determine if they want to enter into an exclusive or non-exclusive deal first. You should also consider the type of distribution strategy including selective and intensive strategies.

Below is a basic distribution agreement checklist to help you get started:

There may be other parts of a distribution agreement to include in your contract that isn’t listed here. Business lawyers are able to understand your objectives and translate them into a legally binding and enforceable distribution agreement.

See Distribution Agreement Pricing by State

How Distribution Agreements Work

The distributor directly sells products to retailers and consumers on behalf of the manufacturer. Instead of the manufacturer paying for the cost of sales, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of a distributor. Profitability from already recognizable and developed products and services is what the distributor is after from the transaction.

The following steps outline how finding and negotiating a distribution agreement works:

You should also decide which type of distribution agreement you want your company to use. The decision you make will affect critical marketing and legal aspects, which means the decision should be made carefully. Business attorneys are licensed to offer legal advice at every crucial point in the negotiation and contract drafting process. While it is advisable to seek legal advice when drafting a distribution agreement, it is not the only option available. You can also utilize templates or online resources to create a distribution agreement.

Here is another article about how distribution agreements work.

Types of Distribution Agreements

The type of distribution agreement to select depends upon the type of transaction in which you are engaging. It’s vital to choose the proper agreement so that it can perform its contractual purpose of protecting both party’s rights.

There are four distribution agreement types including:

Let’s look closer at each type of distribution agreement below: