Welcome to our free CBAP Exam questions and answers page where you can practice with free CBAP quizzes and mock tests!

If you have studied hard and want to test yourself to get ready for the real Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) Exam, you have come to the right place. We have a huge pool of questions for you to practice with, and it is ALL FREE!

Moreover, our CBAP exam simulator application works perfectly in smart phones – Apple or Android, so you can take it anywhere with you for quick review tests during short breaks or commutes!


Give it a try – click the 100% free CBAP quiz link below. Good Luck!

*Note: when taking the quiz, you may click on the photos to enlarge.


We have sets of 30 and 60 CBAP questions you can practice with which are randomly selected from thousands of questions in our CBAP questions bank.

At the end of each CBAP practice test, you will be able to generate the complete test report.

After you have taken the exam, you can retake and you will get another random set of questions. All the best!

INSTRUCTION: Please login your username and password provided during the course to access the tests.

*Note: when taking the tests, you may click on the photos to enlarge.

FREE CBAP MOCK EXAM – 120 Questions – Full Length Simulation Test

Just like the practice tests, you can also access our free CBAP mock test if you’ve taken the CBAP training with us!

The mock exam will contain 120 questions randomly selected from thousands of questions in our CBAP questions bank. It is the same number of questions as the real CBAP Exam and has to be completed in the same required time of 3.5 HOURS!

But the good thing is: you can retake the same mock test and get another random set of questions! You can test yourself out as much as you can and be confident in sitting down and passing your exam.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and test yourself!

INSTRUCTION: Please login your username and password provided during the course to access the tests.

*Note: when taking the exam, you may click on the photos to enlarge.

Let us know how well you did! And if you like the CBAP exam practice questions and answers, feel free to share with your friends and colleagues.

We will be adding more questions soon and create more quizzes and tests for you. If you would like to be notified when we do so, you can subscribe to our page and receive email notifications or follow us in our social media accounts you as we will be announcing updates there.

Want to access the full CBAP tests package? Then join our classroom CBAP training in Dubai or Boston! Click here for our course outline and check out the upcoming sessions in the Course Calendar.

PMP CBAP Project Management Business Analysis Training Institute in Dubai

Boston Management Consulting International provides Project Management and Business Process Solutions including Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Team Assessments and Consulting Services for Project-Driven Organizations, as well as those with operational models.