How to Correct Sales Receipt Mistakes in QuickBooks 2019

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If you need to insert a line into the middle of a sales receipt, right-click where you want to insert the line and choose Insert Line from the contextual menu. To delete a line, right-click it and then choose Delete Line from the contextual menu.

Even if you printed the customer’s receipt, you can make the sort of change that I just described. You can page through the sales receipts by using the Next and Previous buttons until you find the receipt (now printed) with the error, for example, and then correct the error and print the receipt again. I’m not so sure that you want to go this route, however. Things will be much cleaner if you void the cash sale by displaying the sales receipt and choosing Edit → Void Sales Receipt. Then enter a new, correct cash-sale transaction.

If you want to see a list of all your cash sales, choose Edit→ Find. The Simple Find screen appears. Select Sales Receipt from the Transaction Type list box and then click Find. Select the receipt you want to see from the list that appears. If you’re already viewing a sales receipt, choose Edit→ Find Sales Receipts. When you click the Find button, another screen pops up and asks for details of the sales receipt that you’re looking for. Click the Find button in that screen, and QuickBooks gives you a list of your cash sales for the criteria you selected.

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About the book author:

Stephen L. Nelson, MBA, CPA, is the bestselling author of more than 100 books on computer and business topics, including all the previous For Dummies books on Quicken.