Policy Manual

Whether you are developing a new policy or revising an existing one, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Contact the Policy Coordinator at uofi-policy@uidaho.edu to give notice that you will be working on the policy, and, if working on an existing policy, to obtain the official Microsoft Word document of the policy. Reference the policy number in the subject line, e.g., APM 50.55, FSH 3360. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that 1) you are not unknowingly working on a policy at the same time as another party, 2) you are working with the most recent version of the policy, which in some cases may not be the version found online, and 3) the Policy Coordinator is able to track the progress of your policy and manage the policy workflow.
  2. If more than one person is involved, assign one person to oversee all changes. This prevents incorrect versions from being submitted.
  3. Read the Policy Writing Guide and refer to the University of Idaho Editorial Style Guide when drafting your new or revised policy.
  4. Use “track changes” in Microsoft Word to edit the policy. No one should “accept changes". Why? Only redline changes will be made to the official document; if you accept changes or fail to keep track changes enabled, it is impossible to see what was changed. Additionally, tracking changes maintains a historical archive of policy changes and allows for efficient collaboration.
  5. Follow these guidelines:
  6. Fill out a cover sheet. Frequently asked questions about cover sheets:
  7. Have the policy sponsor review and sign off on the policy (see FSH 1460 B-6 and C).
  8. Submit the cover sheet and policy to uofi-policy@uidaho.edu. Reference the policy number in the subject line.
  9. The Policy Coordinator will review the draft policy for ambiguities, errors, conflicts and send the policy to General Counsel for legal review. If the proposal is for a provision of the APM, the Policy Coordinator will also send it to the VP in charge of the area governing the APM proposal. If any of these parties have questions or spot problems, the policy will be returned for explanations or changes. This step can take four weeks or more, so plan ahead!
  10. Minor amendments will be approved by the Policy Coordinator once in final form. New policies and revisions other than minor amendments go through the following approval process: