Science olympiad team agreement form

Once the preliminary schedule for a tournament is posted, teams should make sure to check the schedule to know what the event groupings/conflicts (events that happen at the same time) are. The schedules are typically shown by Team Number. Examples are shown below.

Reading the Schedule:
schedule-example-1For this event, Division B teams with a team number between B23-33 (B23, B24, . B32, B33) would compete from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Division C teams with a team number between C01-12 (C01, C02, . C11, C12) would compete from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM. Division C teams with a team number between C12-22 (C12, C13, . C21, C22) would compete from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
Event Conflicts:
schedule-example-1Take for example a high school (Division C) student who wants to compete in both Astronomy and Circuit Lab. Even if Team Numbers have not yet been released, they can see that they cannot compete in both of those events. Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, and Circuit Lab are in the same "grouping" - they have identical schedules of teams. No matter whether the student's Team Number is C01-11, C12-22, or C23-33, those events will always run at the same time for their team. This means that another student will have to fill in for them on one of the events. Events that conflict for one team will conflict for all teams, so no one team has any advantage from scheduling.

Self-Scheduled Events

Day of the Tournament

Arbitrations and Appeals

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