WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden's American Jobs Plan

Today, President Biden unveiled the American Jobs Plan -- an investment in America that will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country's infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China. The plan makes a once-in-a-generation investment that will address the greatest challenges we face like tackling the climate crisis and competing in the global market. It will rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges, but it will ensure every American has access to broadband and clean water, support essential caregiving jobs, and accelerate research and development to make 21st century products here in the U.S.

Here is what they are saying about the American Jobs Plan:


Axios: "A Nobel Prize-winning economist says he not only endorses President Biden's expected $4 trillion infrastructure spending plan, but expects that it could break the U.S. out of the low-growth, low-inflation environment that has existed for the past 20 years. The combination of Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan and the expected Build Back Better program, mean the U.S. "may be in a very good position to get back into a more normal economy," Columbia University Professor Joseph Stiglitz told Axios in an exclusive interview." [Article, 3/31/21]

Associated Press: "Standard & Poor's chief U.S. economist, Beth Ann Bovino, estimated last year that a $2.1 trillion boost in infrastructure spending could add as much as $5.7 trillion in income to the entire economy over a decade." [Article, 3/31/21]

Reuters: "CEW estimates the investment would create 8 million jobs for workers with a high school diploma or less and 4.8 million jobs for those with more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelor's degree. 'What's interesting is that this plan really gives them a chance to create opportunity for people who have a high school degree or less,' Nicole Smith, research professor and chief economist at Georgetown's CEW, told Reuters." [Article, 3/31/21]

Jason Furman, Former Chairman, Council on Economic Advisors: "Overall I quite like the American Jobs Plan. It is a serious proposal that would help increase economic growth, ensure growth was more fair, and raise additional revenue in a broadly reasonable manner." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Judy Solomon, Senior Fellow, Center on Budget: "The #AmericanJobsPlan is a win-win for people needing help to stay in their homes and those who provide that care by expanding the availability of home- and community-based services and creating new and better jobs for caregivers." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Chuck Marr, Director of Federal Tax Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: "President Biden's #AmericanJobsPlan will make the economy stronger & the tax code fairer by raising the corporate tax rate & limiting the ability of corporations to shift profits & investments overseas and using the revenue to finance a 21st century infrastructure." [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

Gabe Horwitz, Senior Vice President, Third Way's Economic Program: "This is what presidential leadership looks like. The Biden-Harris Administration's American Jobs Plan is a bold and ambitious plan to get Americans back to work. As Third Way's Climate and Energy Team notes, it is "the most ambitious climate and clean energy plan undertaken by any US administration." And on top of that, this plan upholds a central tenet of President Biden's economic strategy: rewarding work, not just wealth. As we emerge from this pandemic, the Biden-Harris Administration is showing what it takes to ensure that work leads to prosperity. In addition to the creation of jobs through infrastructure and climate initiatives, this plan includes a massive investment in workforce training so that we toward a national apprenticeship program and one million apprenticeships. It makes the necessary investments so broadband reaches everyone in the country. It bolsters child care facilities to help working parents. And it injects a massive amount of capital to small- and medium-size manufacturers, while prioritizing innovation. We look forward to working with the Biden team and Congress to ensure this becomes law." [Blog Post, 3/31/21]

Josh Freed, ThirdWay Energy: "President Biden's $2 trillion #AmericanJobsPlan is the most ambitious climate and clean energy plan undertaken by any US administration. The plan is fully commensurate with the scale of the economic and climate challenges we face. It leverages historic levels of mobilization and capital to get us to net-zero by 2050 at the latest. As important, it will provide investments to create jobs and opportunities across every state, particularly in communities that have struggled since the Great Recession. The Biden-Harris Administration is harnessing the positive forces of all of our government agencies to start accelerating our transition to all forms of clean energy. This infrastructure plan includes critically important investments for the entire economy, many of which Third Way has actively worked to educate policymakers about for years, like a clean electricity standard inclusive of all forms of clean energy; an accelerator to ramp up private-sector investments in clean energy; innovation investments in technologies including storage, advanced nuclear, carbon capture, and hydrogen; and an end to tax breaks for fossil fuels. When Congress passes this infrastructure plan, it will make the United States the world leader in solving climate change and developing clean energy. We'll do it by harnessing the unmatched capacity of our private sector and American workers to get the job done." [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

U.S. Senators

New York Senator Chuck Schumer: Addressing infrastructure, climate, & environmental justice together to create millions of good paying jobs is the right combination to meet America's challenges I'll work with @POTUS to pass a big, bold bill to drive America forward for decades to come [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Delaware Senator Chris Coons: "President Biden understands the need for large-scale carbon management – that's why his American Jobs Plan includes the bipartisan SCALE Act I introduced with @SenBillCassidy, @RepMcKinley & @RepVeasey to help develop carbon capture and storage infrastructure. Let's get it done." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Massachusets Senator Elizabeth Warren: "Some of the biggest, most profitable corporations in America (I'm looking at you, Amazon) have paid $0 in federal corporate income taxes. I've pushed for a tax on the book profits of these giant corporations, and the Biden-Harris #AmericanJobsPlan includes a version of this." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown: "We can put millions of Americans to work in good-paying jobs that can't be shipped overseas. It's time to rebuild America. #AmericanJobsPlan" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin: "We need a bold economic plan and @POTUS has put one forward that will create jobs, put people back to work and rebuild economic security for working families. #AmericanJobsPlan #BuildBackBetter" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley: "A great starting point to tackle the problems holding us back: Strong Buy American components. Investments in water infrastructure, housing & EVs. All while ensuring the jobs created are good-paying & union. This is how we build an economy for all of us, not just the powerful." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden: "This proposal will make once-in-a-generation investments in the American people. Rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure means building a better future for our children. I look forward to working with the Biden administration to get these priorities across the finish line." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich: "I am thrilled that President Biden has placed clean energy and bold investments in America's infrastructure at the forefront of his plan to build back better! We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to power our economic recovery and put Americans to work by solving our long-term climate challenge. Too many families in New Mexico are living without internet access, clean water, and reliable electricity. The American Jobs Plan is our opportunity to change that. We will make our grid more reliable and our homes more resilient. And we will improve everyone's quality of life and create millions of good paying jobs in our communities. Now is the time for big and bold investments in our infrastructure, in our people, and in our planet. I am eager to work with President Biden and my colleagues in the Senate to get this ambitious legislation across the finish line." [Tweet thread, 3/31/21]

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal: "Biden's infrastructure proposal is historic & momentous. The American Jobs Plan puts us on the right track to modernize & prepare for the future, all while creating millions of high quality jobs & a more equitable & sustainable economy. The American Jobs Plan will help fix our long neglected roads, bridges, railways, & highways as well as improve our electric grid, broadband access, & housing/school infrastructure. Congress must now build on this proposal with bold legislative action. I look forward to working with my colleagues & the Biden Administration to make sure we deliver for the American people." [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: "Exciting to see @POTUS draw on my legislation with @RepLloydDoggett to end incentives from the Republican tax scam that send American jobs and profits overseas. I'll be working with the White House to make sure these fixes stop the ultra-rich and corporations from dodging taxes." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Colorado Senator Michael Bennet: If we want to build an economy that delivers opportunity for all, fights climate change, and competes with China, we have to invest in 21st century American infrastructure. @POTUS's plan includes priorities that I repeatedly hear about in Colorado -- from investing in broadband to supporting rural water infrastructure. I'm especially pleased the president's plan includes my outdoor restoration bill, which will create jobs by supporting locally-led forest health and watershed restoration projects. This legislation was written in partnership with Coloradans. Just like our roads and bridges, our natural infrastructure is vital to our economy in Colorado and across the West. Communities across America -- from rural counties to cities -- will benefit from the president's plan. I look forward to working with the administration and Congress to make this ambitious and much-needed infrastructure investment. [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

U.S. House Members

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: ""President Biden's American Jobs Plan is a visionary, once-in-a-century investment in the American people and in America's future. This package is about jobs, jobs, jobs: creating millions of good-paying union jobs, investing in American workers and turbocharging America's global competitiveness – all while reimagining and revitalizing our infrastructure in a transformative, resilient way. This plan charts a course for progress and opportunity for all Americans. It will make a significant investment in broadband while also investing in long-neglected areas of our infrastructure, from clean water to schools, housing and child care facilities to seniors' and long-term care and veterans' facilities. And it will be centered squarely on justice: with a Made in America tax plan that ensures that big corporations pay their fair share and with a laser-focus on creating opportunities for communities of color and rural areas too often left behind. The House is already at work to advance a transformational infrastructure package. Investments in infrastructure have long been bipartisan, and in that spirit, we hope to craft and pass an historic package to Build Back Better: creating jobs, justice and opportunity for all." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: "For more than ten years, I have been leading an effort in Congress to boost the creation of good jobs and economic opportunities through investments in education and skills training, entrepreneurship, and infrastructure: Make It In America. The American Jobs Plan announced today by President Biden will achieve the infrastructure goals House Democrats have been championing for so long. Many of the ideas that formed our Make It In America agenda are included in this new plan, which takes the next step in the President's effort to build back better from the economic crisis caused by this pandemic. The President's proposal will meet the needs of this moment by making major investments in more than just roads, bridges, and rail. By investing in broadband access, building climate-resilient infrastructure, and developing a more resilient electrical grid, the American Jobs Plan will transform our nation and grow our economy, while addressing growing racial disparities in economic opportunity and access. The American Job Plan's tax reforms will help pay for these critical investments by ensuring that our tax code is fairer and rewards work over wealth. America has ignored its crumbling infrastructure for too long. It is time for the partisanship that stood in the way of infrastructure projects to end, and I hope that Democrats and Republicans can find common ground on an issue that both parties have cited as a major priority and that the American people broadly support. If we are to raise our economic competitiveness and get ahead of our rivals for global economic leadership in the twenty-first century, we must make major strides in repairing and upgrading our infrastructure. I am proud to support the President's plan and look forward to working with my colleagues in both parties to move it through the House. The time to get serious on infrastructure is now, and we cannot wait any longer to build our nation back better. We ought to tackle this challenge so we can help more of our people Make It In America." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan: "This is the most significant, far-reaching, & consequential investment into the forgotten communities & workers of America in my lifetime. Change is here folks. I know we thought it may never come. But it is here & I will do everything in my power to make this plan into law." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky: "Looking forward to the President's speech today. Clean water, modernizing and expanding our infrastructure, all while creating millions of good-paying, union jobs - that is how we #BuildBackBetter." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries: "President Biden's infrastructure plan will create millions of good paying jobs. For. The. People. The prior administration talked about it. We are about it." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Michigan Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence: "Pres. Biden's plan is transformational—a historic investment in our nation's infrastructure. ?Fixing roads, bridges, transit systems ?Delivering safe, clean drinking water ?Eliminating lead pipes ?Creating good-paying jobs ?Investing in workforce development & manufacturing." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Florida Congressman Darren Soto: "President Biden's #AmericanJobsPlan will help us make bold investments to our infrastructure, create good paying jobs for Central Floridians and move our economy forward. Now, Congress will get to work to help reimagine and rebuild America!" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens: "I'm excited to work with the Biden Administration and my colleagues in Congress to pass an infrastructure and jobs plan that invests in our communities, rebuilds our economy, and fixes our roads and bridges." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline: "The American people elected Joe Biden to get things done. That's what he's doing today as he announces the #AmericanJobsPlan. This is the kind of bold investment we haven't made in America since we built the highways and won the space race. Let's seize the moment and get to work." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

California Congresswoman Nanette Barragan: "Applaud @POTUS' #AmericanJobsPlan. It is a generational & transformative investment in minority communities, affordable housing, #CleanEnergy, green ports, labor & much more. We CAN go bigger, faster. Especially on climate. We must meet the moment on the climate crisis." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

California Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: "I'm grateful that the care economy is a top priority in @POTUS's jobs and infrastructure plan. It's not enough to go back to the status quo. We need big investments to build an economy that supports our families and our care workers and builds on our child care infrastructure." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

New Jersey Donald Payne: "I'm a strong supporter of Pres. Biden's new American Jobs Plan. It has funding for infrastructure and clean water systems. I want to work to get some of that funding for the Gateway Program and Newark's continued efforts to replace old water pipes." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree: "Since the 1960s, America's domestic investments have plummeted by 40%, and now we rank 13th in overall infrastructure quality. The #AmericanJobsPlan presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to modernize the way we move, live, manufacture, and care for our most vulnerable." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar: "Today, @POTUS will officially unveil the #AmericanJobsPlan. This once-in-a-century investment will reimagine and rebuild a new American economy by creating millions of good-paying jobs and building climate-ready infrastructure. #BuildBackBetter" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

California Congressman Mark DeSaulnier: As a member of @TransportDems and former Chairman of the CA State Assembly & Senate transportation committees, I've long led the fight for cleaner, safer, and more efficient transportation systems here in the Bay Area and across the country. @POTUS's proposal for historic investments in our nation's infrastructure would do just that while creating good jobs, increasing equity, and helping solve the climate crisis. [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Alabama Congresswoman Terri Sewell: GREAT NEWS! @POTUS's #AmericanJobsPlan will make historic investments in our nation's infrastructure to ensure that we BUILD BACK BETTER. I look forward to working with my colleagues to get this passed! [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Maryland Congressman David Trone: "For decades, we haven't invested in our people. We have failed to invest in our health care, education, workforce development, and child care systems, and we've allowed our physical infrastructure to crumble. Under President Biden's leadership, we have a once in a generation opportunity to transform how we move from place to place, how we live at home, how we care for one another, and how we ensure the U.S. is globally competitive with a resilient economy. "Right now, folks in Maryland and across the country are suffering because of our outdated infrastructure. The lack of universal broadband is leaving students, workers, and rural communities behind. Crumbling roads and highways are creating traffic headaches and unsafe road conditions. Aging bridges that needed to be replaced years ago are putting commuters at risk every day. The American people deserve better than this. "President Biden's American Jobs Plan is exactly what we need to bring our nation's infrastructure into the 21st century and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process. Too often, Congress has failed to think long-term and make the hard choices to invest in our country. That's what the American Jobs Plan is all about. "With this plan, we will be able to expand broadband access and bridge the digital divide in Western Maryland, work towards ending the congestion on I-270, expand important roadways like Route 15 in Frederick and I-81 in Hagerstown, and improve the aging infrastructure in our rural communities across Western Maryland to help spur economic growth. "I look forward to working with President Biden, Department of Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, and my colleagues in Congress to get this whole-of-government plan over the finish line. We need the American Jobs Plan now more than ever." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal: "While on the campaign trail, President Biden promised Americans he would Build Back Better, and today's announcement is the next step in capitalizing on this once-in-a-century moment to create a stronger, safer, greener, and more sustainable America for all. Much has been lost at the hands of this devastating pandemic, and this is the time to invest in our nation's infrastructure to reinvigorate our economy and uplift workers and families. "The President's plan recognizes that some things are not negotiable—Americans need access to clean drinking water; underserved communities need long overdue access to broadband; and we must act aggressively on countering the effects of climate change. Most of all, Americans need to be able to count on the resiliency of our infrastructure to keep us competitive on the global stage and to keep our economy roaring forward in the better days that lie ahead. "I'm hopeful that Congress can once again come together, build on the success of the American Rescue Plan, and make President Biden's infrastructure package law. We cannot miss this chance to level the playing field for communities that have been left behind and spread opportunity for all Americans. The Ways and Means Committee welcomes this ambitious proposal and looks forward to working with the Biden Administration on crafting legislation that can garner wide support and deliver for the American people." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Colorado Congressman Jason Crow: Folks, we're finally getting a real infrastructure week. The #AmericanJobsPlan is the bold investment that we need to jumpstart our economy, get Coloradans back to work, and strengthen our eroding highways, bridges, transit systems, and more. [Tweet, 3/31/21]

California Congressman Mike Levin: We know we can fight climate change and grow our economy at the same time. With the American Jobs Plan, we can be bold and transform our country's infrastructure for the better. Let's get it done! [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: "I applaud President Biden for continuing to propose solutions to the deep challenges we face as a nation. Mobilizing the country to address the climate crisis, confronting centuries of systemic racism and creating millions of good-paying jobs is as essential a task as any for our democracy. "We must not waste this historic moment. In addition to the proposals the President laid out, we must use this moment to dramatically lower drug prices, expand Medicare to millions of people, make college more affordable, strengthen the care economy, provide a roadmap to citizenship for our immigrant communities, address the housing crisis and make much bolder investments in green jobs. "The American people—in both parties—are behind us. By a more than 3-to-1 margin, the overwhelming majority support a big bold infrastructure package. "Now is not the time to remain beholden to a bankrupt, unpopular ideology that allows the richest people in the world to continue paying next to nothing in taxes, while millions starve in our streets. Now is the time to be bold, to tackle the once-in-a-millennium challenge of the climate crisis, and to ensure that we as a country at long last live up to our promise of justice for all." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Labor Unions

Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO: "Today's announcement brings us one step closer to repairing, rebuilding and restoring our country. Working people are continuing to bear the brunt of the greatest national crisis since the Great Depression, and any just recovery will require unprecedented federal investments in the working communities that have lost the most. It's time for Congress to step up and deliver the funding we need to tackle the climate injustice, racial injustice and economic injustice facing working families while creating a new generation of well-paying union jobs. However, investments alone are far from sufficient. In order to shift the balance of power in favor of working people, we need to rewrite the fundamental rules of the economy. That's why President Biden is calling on Congress to finally pass the PRO Act and strengthen our freedom to organize on the job. As we've said time and again, we can only build back better if union members are doing the building." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Lonnie Stephenson, President, IBEW: "President Biden's American Jobs Plan is both a historic investment into modernizing our roads, bridges, ports, airports, railroads, and electrical grid and a jobs plan, creating millions of good-paying union jobs building a 21st century modern infrastructure and a clean-energy future for our nation. It will also spur a renaissance in made-in-America manufacturing, bringing new jobs back to American communities. And I'm especially pleased that the president continues to emphasize the importance of collective bargaining rights and prevailing wages to ensure that new infrastructure jobs are good jobs. We cannot wait any longer to tackle the problem of fixing our crumbling infrastructure. Every day the federal government does not act is another day we fall further behind our foreign competitors. And the looming threat of climate change means we must move now to invest in clean energy technology that will slash carbon emissions and put millions to work. The men and women of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers are ready to get to work building America and its economy back better, and we call on Congress to move quickly on President Biden's infrastructure plan." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Mary Kay Henry, International President, Services Employees International Union (SEIU): "The American Jobs Plan will be a game-changer for tackling racial and economic inequality. In addition to creating millions of new green jobs, President Biden today proposed a $400 billion investment in care, which would transform the lives of not just individual families but entire communities. Encouraging the ability of home care workers in every state to join together in a union will turn poverty jobs into living wage jobs with secure benefits. A jobs program has never been focused on an industry that is primarily composed of women of color. President Biden has clearly heard the demand of these women - and millions of other essential workers - to be respected, protected and paid, and is responding with the boldness and clarity that matches this moment." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Lee Saunders, President, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees: "The president's plan provides the kinds of bold and comprehensive investments we need to build more modern, equitable and sustainable communities that will benefit all working families. We cannot afford to merely rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure. We must think bigger and toward the future to create good paying union jobs, invest in public services and protect our communities from the threat of climate change. That is the only way we can build back better and address rising inequality exacerbated by the pandemic." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Mark McManus, General President, United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA): "The goal of the American Jobs Plan is simple: create good-paying union jobs while working to finally bring our nation's infrastructure into the modern age. After the devastating effects of the COVID pandemic, this plan is the beginning of a much-needed shot in the arm for working people like the Brothers and Sisters of the United Association. The American Jobs Plan provides long-overdue investments to ensure all of our communities have clean and safe drinking water by replacing all lead pipes, and that our schools and buildings are retrofitted for safe air circulation. We are encouraged by the direction taken by the Biden-Harris Administration on jobs in the energy industry and the strong focus on the use of registered apprenticeships. Energy technologies like carbon capture sequestration, hydrogen, and nuclear — all components of the American Jobs Plan — will ensure we meet our shared climate goals while creating good-paying union jobs. As with any job-creating bill, the American Jobs Plan must have strong labor protections across industries to ensure these are good-paying union jobs with hard-earned benefits. We are encouraged by the Biden- Harris Administration's push to include these labor protections, like Davis-Bacon provisions and the use of registered apprenticeships, on any federally funded project and on any tax credit used to create new jobs." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Robert Martinez Jr., International President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): "This moment is exactly why thousands of Machinists Union members went to the polls to support the Biden-Harris ticket and their policy of 'Build Back Better.' The infrastructure package introduced today will impact generations of America's working families by creating good union jobs that offer decent wages and benefits. The hope this administration brings to America's workforce stands in stark contrast to where we were a year ago when thousands of our members' lives were turned upside down due to the pandemic and devastating layoffs. The program introduced today is yet another welcome initiative by the Biden administration that will build back better our vital manufacturing and transportation sectors. During our meeting earlier this year, I congratulated President Biden and Vice President Harris on the initiatives they already undertaken, including the Executive Order to strengthen Buy American laws that called for strong domestic sourcing requirement and for infrastructure programs that include materials and manufactured goods, including equipment and other items throughout the supply chain, as well as curtailing broad loopholes that bypassed domestic content requirements. The new infrastructure programs expand these initiatives by creating incentives for renovating manufacturing facilities, especially with green technology developed and manufactured here at home. The Machinists Union also welcomes additional initiatives in the newly announced program to support U.S. manufacturing and transportation jobs. This infrastructure package also moves us in the direction of ending corporate tax incentives that move our work offshore and creates incentives to bring our supply chains home. We look forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration and other members of Congress to build back better America's workforce across all sectors, especially in the hard-hit manufacturing and transportation sectors." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Terry O'Sullivan, General President, Laborers' International Union of North America: "President Biden's infrastructure proposal has the potential to be the most significant jobs-creating investment ever in our nation. Our nation's infrastructure needs have been languishing for far too long and an infrastructure renaissance is now within reach. The White House infrastructure proposal will restore our economy and create hundreds of thousands of good union jobs. The proposal recognizes that our infrastructure needs are vast and will only continue to grow without decisive action. More than forty percent of our roadways are in poor or mediocre condition and Americans make 178 million trips daily across structurally deficient bridges. There is a water main break every two minutes. Our infrastructure deficiencies are a threat to our economy and our safety. We expect and urgently need a bipartisan plan for the reauthorization of the Highway Bill from the Administration that Congress can get to work on and take action on immediately. And we should put all funding mechanisms on the table. We also look forward to working with the Administration on insisting that the renewable industry does not short-change and cheat working men and women of good family-supporting pay and benefits on the jobs building this infrastructure. We appreciate the President's commitment to making sure that strong labor standards are tied to new jobs building the green economy to ensure the jobs that are created are good-quality jobs." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Jim Hoffa, General President, Teamsters: "The American Jobs Plan will modernize our roads, bridges, ports, airports, rail, and transit systems -- all critical parts of America's supply chain. Teamsters work each day in every part of this supply chain and know firsthand that our transportation infrastructure has been neglected for too long. At its core, the American Jobs Plan is not only commitment to investing in our infrastructure, but also investing in the American people," Hoffa said. "Not since Roosevelt's New Deal has a president undertaken such a comprehensive plan to help set America back on course. This plan creates good paying jobs now and in the future while taking real action, through the PRO Act, to level the playing field for middle class workers who have been fighting for their right to join a union free from employer intimidation." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Kenneth E. Rigmaiden, General President, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT): For too long, US infrastructure has been forgotten. President Biden's proposal, if passed, would be a monumental leap forward for our country's roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools – most importantly – for workers. Working people have been confronted with crisis after crisis. If we are to properly recover from the COVID-19 pandemic we need unprecedented federal investment in working people. The American Jobs Plan would jump start our economy and create hundreds of thousands of union jobs. We see this as an opportunity to both modernize our infrastructure and to prove once and for all that jobs in clean energy can be family-sustaining union jobs. A few of the pieces of the plan that are specific to our trades is that it calls to build, retrofit and renovate 2 million homes, fixing 10,000 bridges and 20,000 miles of highways, and to modernize our schools and hospitals with retrofitting. Many of these industries are in dire need of higher standards around safety and wages and we believe that the American Jobs Plan would push them in the right direction. We also need to strengthen our inadequate labor laws so future generations of American workers can reap the tremendous benefits of collective bargaining. The inclusion of the PRO Act in this bill empowers workers to make that happen. We commend President Biden for this announcement, and we look forward to working to help get this bill to his desk. We see this as the first step in restoring the balance of power in the American workplace as well as building back our communities and our climate for future generations."

Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association (NEA): "While the historic American Rescue Plan provides vital resources to help our schools to recover safely and equitably from the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to repair, retrofit and upgrade outdated facilities continues to challenge communities across the country. President Joe Biden understands that we must build back better than what we had before the pandemic, and school construction is a major building block of his plan. We have an unprecedented opportunity to create the public schools and college campuses all students — Black and white, Native and newcomer, Hispanic and Asian alike — need and deserve. Ensuring their school facilities are safe, secure and state-of-the-art are at the center of this vision and mission. As the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the inequities of every system in America, the need to improve our nation's public-school facilities has never been more acutely apparent. For far too long, decaying school buildings and the lack of up-to-date technology have been a reality for millions of students and educators. Half our public schools are more than 50 years old, and they were built in a time when windowless classrooms were commonplace, asbestos was used in building materials, and water ran through lead pipes. For students whose school buildings weren't health hazards, they too have been left isolated in an increasingly interactive and interconnected world without all the equipment and tools necessary for today's and tomorrow's jobs. These conditions always have made it more difficult for students to learn and for educators to inspire. The American Jobs Plan does more than create good-paying union jobs. It also invests in housing, childcare and safe water infrastructure that focus on neglected communities. And, by investing in public schools — the beating heart of every community — President Biden's bold plan will power America's economic recovery and pay dividends down the road. Congress must come together to build this better path forward that creates good jobs, invests in communities and makes America more competitive." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Business Community

Jay Timmons, President and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers: "The President's proposal for historic levels of infrastructure investment reflects many of the investment priorities in the NAM's 'Building to Win' plan, and we look forward to reviewing the details. President Biden's clear focus on strengthening manufacturing and the workforce of the future shows that he is truly committed to building the next post-pandemic world—one that is stronger and more resilient than in pre-pandemic times. Manufacturers have played a leading role in the fight against COVID-19, and we will continue to play a leading role in our economic recovery. When manufacturing is strong, America is strong." [Statement, 3/31/21]

John Neuffer, President and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA): "The President's plan would invest ambitiously in U.S. semiconductor workers, manufacturing, and innovation – three cornerstones of America's strength and its future. Semiconductors are foundational to America's economy and job creation, national security, and critical infrastructure. We applaud the President's leadership on this issue and look forward to working with the Administration and Congress to promote America's global competitiveness in semiconductors and the many essential technologies they enable, while also ensuring a globally competitive corporate tax system." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Geoff Freeman, President and CEO, Consumer Brands Association: "Consumer Brands is encouraged by the momentum already displayed by the Biden administration and Congress to seize on the opportunity of infrastructure investment and reform. We agree that now is the time for investment in an American infrastructure of the future. The president's plan addresses key issues for the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry including significant investments across the national highway system, electric freight vehicles, a 21st century transportation workforce and rural broadband connectivity. We are encouraged to see the administration recognize a role for federal leadership in strengthening manufacturing supply chains for critical goods and urge them to consider important improvements, such as an increase in gross vehicle weight standards to increase efficiency while making roads safer and minimizing congestion, and a White House office of supply chain that would streamline disjointed federal policy. While not mentioned specifically, we also believe this plan presents an opportunity for the country to take the steps necessary to create a circular economy, including fixing the nation's broken recycling system. As evidenced time and again throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of our nation's infrastructure is inseparable from the health and quality of life of our nation's consumers. Consumer Brands looks forward to being a partner for the administration and Congress as they work to implement a Build Back Better agenda and to develop a modern infrastructure system that meets the needs of our nation and the consumer goods industry's future." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Jim Farley, Chief Executive Ford Motor: "Customers want connected and increasingly electric vehicles, and we need to work together to build the infrastructure to help this transformation. Ford supports the administration's efforts to advance a broad infrastructure plan that prioritizes a more sustainable, connected and autonomous future — including an integrated charging network and supportive supply chain, built on a foundation of safe roads and bridges for our customers." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Frank Clemente, Executive Director, Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF): "As baseball season commences, President Biden hit a home-run with his proposed 'Made In America Tax Plan' for corporations. To pay for repairing and strengthening America's long-neglected infrastructure, the President has rightfully proposed to begin dismantling the nation's rigged corporate tax system, which for too long has allowed huge corporations to dodge paying their fair share of taxes and encouraged offshoring of jobs and profits. The President's plan would invest $2 trillion over eight years to restore the country's sagging physical infrastructure—potholed roads, crumbling bridges, slow internet, and more—as well as bolster the caregiving economy by making sure families can get help for loved ones and the people providing it are well-paid and respected." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Frank Knapp, Co-Chair, Small Business for America's Future and President, South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce: "The Biden Administrations' American Jobs Plan is an important step forward for small businesses, providing a clear bold plan of action by the Biden-Harris Administration to invest in America and create a level playing field for the backbone of our economy, America's small businesses. As Main Street entrepreneurs continue to recover from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Jobs Plan will create access to capital for millions of struggling small businesses, providing $100 billion in low-interest business loans, by funding nonprofit lending programs in disadvantaged areas. This combined with bold infrastructure investments will stimulate local economies and benefit small businesses that provide goods and services such as supplies, support, contractors, and more. Additionally, Small Business for America's Future supports the Biden-Harris Administration proposal to adjust the corporate tax rate. Since the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017, we have strongly advocated against the former Administration's pandering to larger business under the guise of economic growth and job creation. By adjusting the corporate tax rate to 28%--still far lower than the rate before the TCJA--the American Jobs Plan corrects the massive and unfair 40% tax cut that law gifted wealthy corporations and right sizes the corporate tax structure. This ensures small businesses aren't carrying the burden of the tax code and corporations pay their fair share. By providing the support they need to grow after COVID-19 and leveling the playing field on corporate taxes, the American Jobs Plan will help small businesses strengthen the long-term competitiveness of our economy. We applaud President Biden's proposal and urge the House and Senate to pass all legislation needed to implement his plan." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Doug O'Brien, President & CEO, National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA): "NCBA CLUSA is pleased to see the call from President Biden to make much-needed investments in our nation's infrastructure and addressing issues of climate change, racial equity and home care. Today's announcement centers cooperatives in helping rural Americans capture educational and economic potential through broadband. It's clear from the White House's plan that cooperatives can also play an integral role in energy efficiency, housing, the food system, workforce development, and especially in the care economy that will help more people own, control and benefit from the businesses and services they use. NCBA CLUSA is eager to continue our work with the White House and with Congress to include cooperatives as a strategy for inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth for years to come."

Climate Leaders

Gene Karpinksi, President, League of Conservation Voters: "Today is a great day for jobs, justice, and climate action. Elections have consequences and the importance of this administration calling for historic investments to tackle historic crises cannot be overstated. We commend President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the all-star team of climate and environmental justice champions throughout the administration for putting forth a presidential agenda to build back better that will get millions of people back to work in new good-paying, union jobs in the clean energy economy while tackling climate change and environmental racism. This is only the beginning and we look forward to working with the administration and Congress to make sure the plan meets the scale of the crises we face with the big investments needed to build back better with justice and equity. Investments in clean energy deployment and expanded domestic manufacturing to achieve 100% clean power by 2035 are central to the American Jobs Plan and must create new, good-paying union jobs here in the U.S. Additionally, the American Jobs Plan's Justice40 commitment to ensure that 40 percent of all investment benefits are directed to frontline communities and communities of color are a critical component of ensuring our nation's recovery rebuilds a more equitable society. We are also encouraged to see the president's large scale commitment to electric vehicle infrastructure, including a solid start with a 'Clean Buses for Kids Program' at the EPA — our children, especially in low-income communities and communities of color who are exposed to the most air pollution, have a basic right to breathe healthy, clean air and deserve prioritization. And the president's front and center commitment to providing clean, safe, affordable water to everyone, no matter their zip code, race, or income, is critical to creating healthy and thriving communities." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Mitchell Bernard, President, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council): "President Biden is demonstrating today that he is committed to building a better society for all people—one that is healthier, more resilient, more just and more prosperous. To create millions of jobs, address our legacy of racial inequities and fend off the worst impacts of climate change, we need to reimagine and rebuild our economy and the nation's infrastructure. This is the leadership we need. Congress must now work expeditiously to turn this vision into reality by passing legislation to invest in clean energy, safe drinking water, public transit, affordable housing – and much, much more." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club: "As we begin to turn the page from pandemic to recovery, President Biden has presented his ambitious plan, which understands that the next chapter needs to be a story of equity, justice, and real climate action. In this moment, the nation has a historic opportunity to undertake transformational change at the scale of the crises we face, fostering cleaner air and water, higher wages, greater equity, healthier communities, and a more stable climate. We can build on this proposal to create millions of good-paying jobs — enough to virtually end the unemployment crisis — so that each person in this country has the chance to thrive. Now is the time for big, bold investments in clean energy, resilient infrastructure, electric vehicles, and a reliable electric grid that will cut climate pollution nearly in half by 2030. And it is beyond time that we held these crucial investments to stringent standards that would start to dismantle the systemic racism and economic inequity that has created sacrifice zones, saddling communities with the disproportionate effects of pollution, poverty, pandemic, and public health crises. The vision Biden has presented today is a critical step toward fulfilling the commitments he's made. As we work to craft legislation to deliver on the promise of building America back, we must emphasize the 'better' and take to heart the fact that we can't return to a 'normal' that was unjust and unhealthy for so many." [Press Releasev, 3/31/21]

Collin O'Mara, President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation: "The American Jobs Plan includes the largest investments in natural resource restoration and environmental justice in our nation's history, which will put millions of Americans to work in every corner of the country," said Collin O'Mara, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, "From launching a visionary Civilian Climate Corps and reclaiming abandoned mines and orphaned wells to restoring America's lands, waters, wetlands, grasslands and coasts, the President's plan proposes strategic investments that will make communities more resilient and healthier, recover degraded wildlife habitat, and help revitalize regions that have been left behind for too long. The solutions the president has outlined show how rebuilding our economy depends upon restoring and conserving America's national treasures and securing our wildlife heritage for future generations." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Jason Walsh, Executive Director, BlueGreen Alliance: "We came into the COVID-19 pandemic with three intersecting crises: climate change, income inequality, and racial injustice. To address any one of these crises adequately requires addressing all three simultaneously. President Biden's American Jobs Plan puts us on the path to doing just that, making significant investments to rebuild and modernize our infrastructure, reduce the emissions driving climate change, invest in the care economy, and rebuild American manufacturing—while creating high-quality, union jobs across the country. The proposal also includes other critical provisions aimed at expanding workers' rights and power, such as the PRO Act. We welcome today's announcement. This is a historic first step, and yet we know this and more will be needed to deliver the scale of investment needed, particularly in disadvantaged communities and for workers and communities impacted by energy transition. We look forward to working with Congress and the administration to build on this plan and ensure that it is passed quickly and implemented effectively to create a clean, thriving, and equitable future for all." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Jamie Williams, President, The Wilderness Society: "We're excited by President Biden's broad infrastructure plan, including investments that would help public lands and waters support racial and economic justice and keep communities healthy and whole. Our nation cannot build back better without addressing public lands. We look forward to helping ensure our government doesn't miss a single opportunity – from ramping up responsible renewable energy development on federal lands and waters to putting people to work in good jobs restoring degraded habitat and waterways, building urban parks and community recreation spaces, and cleaning up tens of thousands of orphaned oil and gas wells across the West." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund: "The President's American Jobs Plan is the kind of strong leadership we need to rebuild America, create jobs and leave a cleaner and healthier world for our kids. Joe Biden ran on the most ambitious climate, clean energy and environmental justice platform of any presidential candidate in history, and with today's announcement, he is living up to that promise. President Biden's bold action to invest in clean transportation is one of the biggest steps we can take to move America forward. Manufacturers and delivery companies have made clear they are transitioning to electric vehicles – the question is whether they'll be made in America or overseas. With this plan, President Biden is standing up for U.S. workers by making the investments we need to win the jobs of the future." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Jamal Raad, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Evergreen Action: "Today in Pittsburgh, President Biden will tell America it's time to go big and bold on building a new economy run on 100% clean energy. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) will create millions of good-paying union jobs, and outlines major investments in clean energy, housing, transit and water infrastructure, and more — each being critical to defeating the climate crisis and building a just and thriving American economic recovery. Evergreen is especially thrilled that the AJP includes a 100% clean electricity standard by 2035, and targets 40% of investments for disadvantaged communities, such as Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities that continue to bear environmental injustices." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Catherine Coleman Flowers, Founder, Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice (CREEJ): "I am thrilled to witness President Biden's allyship in the fight to improve our country's water and wastewater infrastructure. In proposing $111 billion dollars for clean water infrastructure – including investments in rural wastewater systems – as part of the historic American Jobs Plan, this administration has taken a bold early step in showing us all that it is deeply committed to environmental justice. I believe that progress starts by listening, and our President has listened. He is pushing for 40 percent of benefits from the infrastructure investment to go to disadvantaged areas and is calling for dedicated community-driven funding to address legacy pollution. It is now on us to do all we can to make sure this action becomes a reality and reaches impacted communities across America." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Michelle Chan, VP of Programs, Friends of the Earth: "Friends of the Earth welcomes President Biden's efforts to center climate change, racial equity and support for family-sustaining union jobs in his infrastructure package. Done right, this plan could not just fix our crumbling infrastructure, but make it greener, more climate resilient and restorative for communities of color who have long been burdened by pollution. We will be monitoring developments to ensure that infrastructure investments comply with environmental regulations, and Biden's pledge to deliver at least 40 percent of their benefits to communities of color. We are pleased to see the Biden Administration call for the end of fossil fuel subsidies and urge Congress to go a step further to ensure a fossil-free economic recovery. Congress must use whatever means at their disposal, including budget reconciliation, to improve and pass vital legislation that protects communities and the environment. Friends of the Earth looks forward to working with and pushing the Biden Administration and Congress to build back not just better but bolder with a package that is even more ambitious." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Gun Violence Prevention Leaders and Organizations

Greg Jackson, Jr., National Advocacy Director, Community Justice Action Fund: "Today marks a historic stride towards ending the crisis of gun violence in our country. Thank you @JoeBiden for prioritizing peace with a $5 billion investment in proven community strategies to #EndGunViolence in the American Jobs Plan. #fundpeace #investinus #BuildBackBetter" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Community Justice Action Fund: "BREAKING: HISTORIC VICTORY! President Biden just announced $5 billion over eight years in support of evidence-based community violence prevention programs in response to our direct advocacy! #FundPeace" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Giffords Courage: "In @POTUS's first action on gun violence, the American Jobs Plan proposes $5 billion for community-based intervention programs. This would be a major investment in strategies that don't just save lives, but improve peoples' lives, with access to good jobs and other resources. Centuries of structural racism have resulted in a gun violence crisis that disproportionately hits Black and Brown communities the hardest. This an important step to build racial equity and invest in public safety initiatives beyond policing. This historic funding is a testament to the efforts of our partners at CJActionFund, @TheHavi, @CitiesUnited, and many more. Thank you, @POTUS." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Kris Brown, President, Brady: "This funding is a critical step towards addressing gun violence in a comprehensive manner and will help communities most affected by gun violence. Community violence prevention programs work with and within communities to mediate conflict and stop violence from ever occurring. Such programs target the multiple causes of violence and do so without policing communities, taking a holistic, public health approach to this issue. Following the pronounced increase in gun violence last year, this funding will help communities that need it most. As we have said, President Biden is the strongest gun violence prevention champion to occupy the Oval Office, and this funding is the latest and most tangible demonstration of his commitment to solving this issue in an inclusive and comprehensive manner." [Statement, 3/31/21]

John Feinblatt, President, Everytown for Gun Safety: "The extraordinary investment proposed by the Biden-Harris administration would save countless lives in communities that are most affected by gun violence. To meaningfully reduce gun violence, we have to both close the loopholes in our gun laws and invest in proven solutions. Congress should move quickly on both tracks to deliver the results the public deserves." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Shannon Watts, Founder Moms Demand Action: "This historic proposal represents the kind of serious commitment that our gun violence crisis requires. With gun violence on the rise, it's never been more important to invest in what works. We're grateful the Biden-Harris administration is once again showing it recognizes the urgency of taking meaningful action to prevent gun violence." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Team Enough Executive Council: "Our generation and young people have consistently asked for policies and procedures that invest in our communities and directly invest in people. This funding will do just that, catalyzing the work of programs on the ground that resolve conflict and stop violence. Particularly as Black and Brown communities have been most affected by gun violence and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, this funding is extremely needed and a welcome first step in the comprehensive approach to prevent gun violence." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Newtown Action: "As a member of the #InvestInUs coalition, we would like to thank the @POTUS, the @WhiteHouse, @AmbassadorRice, & @CedricRichmond for recognizing the need to make an investment in evidenced-based community violence prevention programs to help #EndGunViolence in our nation." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Faith in Action: "We celebrate @JoeBiden's $5.36B commitment to #FUNDPEACE w/ federal investments in evidence based violence prevention programs & community public safety initiatives. Tell Congress to support @POTUS Infrastructure Bill including $5.36B to scale up community violence initiatives." [Twitter, 3/31/21]

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: "The #AmericanRescuePlan includes $5.3 billion over eight years in support of evidence-based community violence intervention programs. This funding is a monumental investment in the fight to #EndGunViolence and save lives. Thank you @JoeBiden @whitehouse" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

March for Our Lives: "Since the beginning of his term, we've been demanding that @POTUS take action on gun violence. Today, he took a first step by calling for the investment of $5B into community violence intervention programs." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Regional and rural Leaders

Shirley Bloomfield, CEO, NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association: "As community-based providers committed to serving their neighbors, NTCA members have led the charge in delivering high-quality broadband services that make rural communities vibrant places to live, work and go to school," said Bloomfield. "No infrastructure package would be complete without digital infrastructure, and on behalf of NTCA's members, I want to thank President Biden for recognizing the importance of broadband access in his new American Jobs Plan. If we have learned anything from the last year, it is that connections matter, broadband matters – and speed and capacity matter. We need to aim high and invest in efficient and scalable technologies like fiber to meet the needs not only of today's consumers but also tomorrow's. NTCA looks forward to continuing to work with the White House and policymakers to ensure that providers of all kinds who are committed to their communities can realize and then sustain a shared vision of broadband access for all." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Biran Kuehl, Executive Director, Farmers for Free Trade: "We are heartened to see that President Biden's American Jobs Act invests in American agriculture and rural infrastructure. Restoring America's infrastructure system provides a unique opportunity to spur economic growth in America's heartland. Investing in roads, bridges, waterways, locks, ports and rural broadband means ag products move more quickly and efficiently, reaching consumers at home and abroad. Too often ag jobs are thought of as only on the farm, while in truth they're at grain terminals, on freight lines and all across America's highways and waterways. Rural America needs big, bold initiatives like this to grow and prosper. We call on Congress find a bipartisan path to making major infrastructure investments in American agriculture and rural infrastructure."

Chris Gibbs, Ohio farmer and Board President, Rural Voices USA: "Rural Americans, and farmers like me, understand the importance of America's infrastructure. Our nation's roads, bridges, railroads, waterways, locks, ports and broadband infrastructure are what connect the American heartland to our customers. These systems are critical to our economic survival. The American Jobs Act is a commitment to building back America's rural infrastructure after years of neglect. Rural communities need an economic boost and this plan delivers. Infrastructure jobs pay better than other blue-collar jobs, giving rural workers a shot at family-wage jobs and helping to rebuild our towns and communities." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Rob Larew, President, National Farmers Union: "After decades of neglect, our nation's infrastructure is barely holding together – a fact that has become especially apparent after the pandemic and extreme weather events disrupted the food supply chain, energy production, and other critical services. As the climate continues to change, our systems will inevitably be strained in other ways they are in no way prepared for. While much of the country could use infrastructure updates, rural communities have suffered disproportionately from underfunding. Those neighborhoods contain a larger portion of crumbling roads, bridges, and dams, and they also lack internet connectivity, affordable housing, and medical resources, all of which is holding residents back and contributing to rural flight. It is really encouraging to see these issues and others included in President Biden's American Jobs Plan. We sincerely hope that this will set the stage for comprehensive improvements that strengthen rural communities, build resilience to climate change, and hasten economic recovery. In the coming weeks and months, we look forward to reviewing the plan and subsequent legislation in greater detail, including the pay-for provisions." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director, National League of Cities (NLC) : "Cities, towns and villages of all sizes, urban and rural, applaud President Biden for putting forward a significant plan to jumpstart a post-COVID economic recovery with investments in community infrastructure and the people who will build it. Our country needs good jobs rebuilding sustainable, equitable, and innovative infrastructure to connect and serve our residents. We cannot be shy as a country about investing in our people and in our communities to build a better quality of life in every place we call 'home.'" [Statement, 3/31/21]

Faith Leaders

Rev. Carlos Malave, Christian Churches Together: "The country's infrastructure is like the arteries in our bodies; growth and life run through it. The future of our country depends on a modern infrastructure. We can build it and also create millions of jobs. #AmericanJobsPlan" [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Dr. Antonio Cediel, Faith in Action: "Historic moment!! After years of advocacy and after a full-scale push over the last couple of months with the White House and members of Congress, the White House just announced that they are including our $5B request for community-based gun violence prevention as a part of the American Jobs Plan (details are being released today)! So much work leading up to this moment."

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: "President Biden's American Jobs Plan makes significant investments in infrastructure, jobs, housing, hospitals, and more, to care for the Earth and put workers and families on the path to equity and economic security. In the face of growing economic disparities and increasing individualism, it is critical that our federal policies dismantle systemic racism, eliminate the wealth and income gap, improve the wellbeing of our communities, and allow all people to thrive. As @Pontifex wrote in his encyclical Fratelli tutti, "The mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for the whole human family." We must make come together to make public investments in the common good. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is time to build a new economy, where wealthy people and corporations contribute the most to public investments. After Trump's dangerous tax cuts, changes to corporate tax rates are necessary for our country and our shared future. @POTUS #BuildAnew" [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

Jewish Democratic Council of America: "It's time to build back better: Infrastructure to combat climate change Invest in rural broadband Affordable & energy-efficient housing units Construction of roads, bridges, rail lines, ports Modernize the electric grid." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Michael Vazquez, Religion and Faith Director, Human Rights Campaign: "The #AmericanJobsPlan is an excellent start to rebuilding our country and creating a more equitable society. Access to clean water is a moral issue Universal broadband access is a moral issue Funding community violence prevention programs is a moral issue. So much of what is included in the #AmericanRescuePlan addresses systemic inequities and systemic neglect -- moral issues -- and begins the process of reimagining and creating a more just and equitable Republic. There is a lot more to do to establish economic equity, combat climate change, and truly build a society that serves everyone. But the mention alone, let alone devoted attention to a "Care Economy" is an indication of a true shift towards empathetic and moral governance." [Tweet thread, 3/31/21]

Advocacy Groups

Mi Familia Vota: "The Biden administration announced their new $2.25 trillion infrastructure package. It includes funding for: Roads & highways Affordable housing Clean water High-speed broadband U.S. manufacturing Community-based healthcare." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Voto Latino: "#AmericanJobsPlan is reversing some of Trump's tax cuts to pay for: addressing climate change internet for all care for people w/ disabilities and the elderly and better roads We'll need more support to address these issues, it's a start." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Janet Murguia, President and CEO, UnidosUS: "I applaud this appropriately ambitious opening salvo to modernizing our nation's infrastructure, and we at UnidosUS will work hard to ensure that this bold investment fulfills the president's commitment to pandemic recovery, rebuilding America, and racial equity. For too long, Latinos and other people of color have worked to build our country and help carry it through hard times often without reaping the benefits of their contributions. We fully expect Hispanics to help carry out our nation's post-pandemic rebuilding and, in return, experience better roads, bridges, broadband, schools and health centers, cleaner water, and a resilient electrical grid in their neighborhoods. The American Jobs Plan must also reduce poverty and homelessness, protect and fortify our essential workforce and create good-paying jobs for the unemployed, ensuring that measures reach communities most in need. It must particularly bring stability to undocumented essential workers who have stood up for us all, creating a path to legal status and citizenship. In the end, if we do this right, UnidosUS and our nearly 300 Affiliate organizations across the country will be critical actors in transforming lives, families, and communities with this historic investment in our future." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Janti Soeripto, President and CEO, Save the Children: "The child care industry was struggling before COVID, and well over half of child care providers across America had to close their doors at the start of the pandemic. Additionally, too many children attend child care centers that are unsafe and pose health risks. Save the Children commends the Biden administration for the child care provisions in the American Jobs Plan. They will help ensure parents have many more safe options across America for their children to learn and develop in quality child care settings. Including such a robust investment in child care infrastructure is unprecedented. Finally, child care is being treated as the essential industry that it is," said Mark Shriver, President of Save the Children Action Network (SCAN). "As COVID-19 has proved, child care is essential to getting parents back in the workforce, and to getting the economy back on its feet. This plan is a crucial step in the right direction, and I'm hopeful that Congress will put aside party politics and do what's right for the American people by supporting this plan." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Moms Rising: "BREAKING: @POTUS announces major investment in services & care workforce supporting the aging & people w/disabilities. This is what investing in our nation's care infrastructure looks like. Now let's get it done because #CareCantWait! #CareEconomyWins #BuildBackBetter @POTUS makes our tax code more equitable, overturning key provisions of the #TrumpTaxScam, & making sure mega-corporations pay their fair share. Moms love that! We should be using this money to support struggling families and fund care programs. #CareEconomyWins #BuildBackBetter We look forward to building on this momentum & making sure we #BuildBackBetter by guaranteeing this package includes universal #childcare, #paidleave4all, permanent improve to #EITC & #ChildTaxCredit & creating pathway to citizenship for immigrants.Because we know #CareCantWait!" [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

Ai-jen Poo, Founder and Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance: "The @POTUS #AmericanJobsPlan is brave, thoughtful & necessary, rooted in values of equity & dignity, building our infrastructure & economic resilience, lifting up workers across sectors, especially care workers who are overwhelmingly women & women of color. [THREAD] The investment in home & community based services & the home care workforce is long-overdue & transformative. For too long, families & individuals with disabilities & our elders have waited for access to services in the home & community. #AmericanJobsPlan For generations, home care workers have struggled to care for their own families on poverty wages. This plan puts our majority women of color workforce front & center. Our New Deal moment foregrounds a group of workers who were excluded from the original one because of racism. One of the fastest growing occupations, average wages for home care workers = ~17k/year. This plan will raise wages, offer training, benefits & a voice for this workforce. Millions of lives will be touched, improved, supported, uplifted. #AmericanJobsPlan Amazing to see how far we've come on care infrastructure-we're a movement! Special thanks to the disability rights & justice groups for your leadership & partnership. And shout out to my incredible colleagues @CaringAcrossGen @CareInActionUS @domesticworkers for all you do. This investment in care jobs & services-essential infrastructure-will enable millions of us to work while supporting quality of life 4 our loved ones. Thank you @POTUS @VP @WhiteHouse @AmbassadorRice. So ready get this done. Who's in? #CareCantWait #CareisEssential" [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]

Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO, National Women's Law Center: "The investment in jobs is the most significant in generations. And the jobs plan acknowledges the flaws in our economy well before the pandemic. That approach is spot on-we can't pretend that everything was sunshine and roses a year ago. 3) Up top the plan acknowledges that our care infrastructure crumbled and that our entire economy suffered as a result. It then backs that point up with a historic investment in home care workers. As my sis @aijenpoo says, care is the work that makes all work possible. 4)The plan also takes on the conditions of jobs that have long been dominated by women. What would it take to actually make it possible for the jobs where women dominate to be jobs where women - and all people - can work with safety, equity, and dignity. 5) It invests dramatically in energy jobs, in manufacturing, in construction, in roads and bridges. And it pairs that plan with job training and apprenticeships. An equitable recovery must ensure that these "good" jobs are jobs open to everyone. 6) It boosts enforcement of our civil rights laws. That's huge, because the truth is that construction and manufacturing and STEM jobs have been hostile spaces; WOC make up only a tiny percentage. Making these jobs more equitable requires taking on the elephant of discrimination. 7) From what they've outlined so far, the recovery and jobs plans will center the caregiving crisis, it will tackle racial and gender inequity, and it will improve the wages and conditions of jobs where women dominate (also called low-paid jobs. ) 8) Women have been hard hit by this pandemic, by the economic crisis, and the care crisis in this country. And it is more clear that the path forward could not be business as usual. Business as usual will not return us to normal. and normal will not ensure an equitable recovery. 9) We will be fighting for a recovery that puts women at the center. We will be fighting for home care workers and child care provider jobs and for paid leave, cause care is essential. We will be fighting for equitable work, for $15 minimum wage & one fair wage. And we can win." [Tweet Thread, 3/31/21]


Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf: "I'm grateful that President Biden recognizes that our nation's infrastructure, from our highways and bridges, to housing, broadband and more, demands immediate attention. These issues are critical to our public safety, our quality of life, our environment and our economy. This bold and necessary proposal will help move our commonwealth and our nation forward toward a brighter, stronger future. Our infrastructure is a critical component to our economic recovery. As businesses recover and our workforce grows, they depend on our vast transportation network. Infrastructure projects are also job creators, further spurring economic growth. Ensuring reliable broadband internet access is increasingly important for all Americans. From education and work to healthcare and social connection, this access is the key to bridging the digital divide. Broadband access is only truly successful if those who are living, working and learning are in stable structures. Ensuring strong and stable housing, commercial buildings and schools is critical for safety and energy efficiency. I share the president's priorities, which would build on my administration's previous Restore PA plan and current Back to Work PA plan, and I look forward to working with the Biden Administration in its efforts to make this plan a reality. Earlier this year I urged Congress to prioritize many of these same critical infrastructure needs for our commonwealth and I'm pleased that President Biden shares these priorities for the entire nation. I again urge Congress to make this comprehensive plan a priority so that we all can work together to help this country build back better."

California Governor Gavin Newsom: "President Biden put forward a transformative vision for a healthier and cleaner future for our country, with unparalleled investments in infrastructure and clean energy which will create millions of high-paying jobs along the way. California is uniquely positioned to benefit from these investments, with the state's leadership and work to advance efforts to expand broadband access, make our grid more resilient to prevent blackouts and wildfires, modernize water infrastructure, improve our schools, hospitals and housing, and expand clean transit. And it lifts up opportunities for communities too often overlooked." [Statement, 3/31/21]

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont: "The leadership shown in the American Jobs Plan is exactly the kind of investment needed to move our country and our state forward. This is how our state and nation will emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than ever before." [Statement, 3/31/21]

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy: "Through his far-reaching and future-focused American Jobs Plan, President Biden is reasserting American leadership. Instead of cherry-picking projects and ideas based on politics, or pitting regions of the country against each other, he has put forward a truly nation-binding plan that will set us up for success for decades to come. For us in New Jersey, this plan will super-charge our efforts to build a stronger, fairer, and more resilient economy. It will create good, union jobs. It will energize our emergence as a leader in offshore wind energy, restore our global preeminence in technology and the life sciences, and allow us to do more for our families and communities in terms of safe housing and schools. And, by working to modernize our highways and get the Gateway Program funded and moving, it will ensure we have the safe and modern transportation infrastructure our economy and people both demand. The President's plan recognizes that true and sustainable economic policy must not focus solely on big business, but that it must focus on people. It recognizes that tax fairness and ensuring equity for the middle class, and those struggling to join its ranks, must be a national guidepost. It understands that small businesses and innovative startups must be the focal point for our future economic growth and strength. It recognizes that while there may be, at this time, fifty states, there is only one United States." [Statement, 3/31/21]


Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director: "Cities, towns and villages of all sizes, urban and rural, applaud President Biden for putting forward a significant plan to jumpstart a post-COVID economic recovery with investments in community infrastructure and the people who will build it. Our country needs good jobs rebuilding sustainable, equitable, and innovative infrastructure to connect and serve our residents. We cannot be shy as a country about investing in our people and in our communities to build a better quality of life in every place we call 'home.' Local leaders are ready to rebuild and deliver far more than the bare minimum on infrastructure. Fueling our economic growth requires innovation and bold planning. This includes bridging the digital divide to deliver reliable internet access to American households and businesses and investing in essential workforce development and training programs to create pathways to employment for local workers. As debate in Washington begins, NLC and its members are eager to discuss the initiatives that can deliver for cities, towns and villages across the country." [Press Release, 3/31/21]

Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland, CA: "Wow. The #AmericanJobsPlan is more than a historic investment to rebuild our nation's roads + bridges. It also recognizes 'infrastructure' in our cities w/ historic investment to build affordable housing + fund violence prevention efforts, like Ceasefire."; "The plan takes on the systems that hurt all of us, like climate change and structural racism. This is what it means to #BuildBackBetter." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Mayor London Breed, San Francisco, CA: "And just today, President Biden unveiled the American Jobs Plan, which will create millions of jobs, invest in our infrastructure, help us make real progress on the climate crisis, and reimagine and rebuild a new economy."; "It's such a relief to have a federal government that is actually interested in helping our cities succeed rather than attacking us, and I can't thank @POTUS, @VP, and @SpeakerPelosi enough for their leadership." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Mayor Jim Kenney, Philadelphia, PA: "The #AmericanJobsPlan is a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's future. It will create good-paying jobs and help communities like ours rebuild and move forward." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Mayor Robert Garcia, Long Beach, CA: "The #AmericanJobsPlan is a bold vision to rebuild our nation's roads, airports, ports, and bridges. These projects will create and support good union jobs and unleash an economic recovery. Long Beach is ready to get to work. Thank you, Mr. President." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Mayor Erin Mendenhall, Salt Lake County, UT: "This investment in our workforce and infrastructure over the next 8 years will be game changing for cities and states across the nation. Let's get it done." [Tweet, 3/31/21]

Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City, NY: "A recovery for all of us requires strong federal investments in infrastructure and jobs. President Biden meets the moment with the American Jobs Plan, which includes investments critically important to New York City including billions for public housing, transit, broadband and workforce development. This plan also treats climate change as the urgent crisis that it is, with new opportunities to create green jobs and make our cities more resilient. I thank President Biden for his leadership and look forward to working with our partners in Congress to get this done."