What Happens if You Mail in Your Corporate Tax Return Late?

Whether it's a "C" or "S" corporation's tax return that you mail to the Internal Revenue Service late, there are consequences that may end up costing your business money. The IRS does require annual tax return filings from both types of corporations. However, the severity of the penalties your business faces will largely depend on how much tax is due and how late the return is. Therefore, it's important to learn about the 1120S and 1120 late filing penalty.

IRS 'Mailbox Rule'

When the IRS receives a corporate tax return after the filing deadline, the agency relies on the "mailbox rule" to determine whether your corporation will be charged late-payment and/or late-filing penalties. If the return is mailed through the U.S. Postal Service, it's considered filed on time if the postmark date is on or before the deadline date.

For example, if you mail the tax return on March 15 – the filing deadline that calendar-year corporations are subject to when a filing extension isn't obtained – and it arrives at the IRS on March 20, the return isn't considered late. Note that the mailbox rule also applies when using certain private delivery services, such as United Parcel Service and Federal Express.

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No Taxes Owed

The 1120 late filing penalty for a late return depends on the amount of income tax that is due with the return. For "C" corporations that don't owe additional tax with their Form 1120, the IRS says that neither the late-payment nor late-filing penalty will be imposed.

But if your business is taxed as an "S" corporation, an informational return must be filed on Form 1120S each year. If the 1120S is filed after the deadline, the IRS charges each shareholder a penalty in the amount of ​$195​ for each month, or part of the month, that the return is late for up to 12 months, mentions Cornell Law School.

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Corporation Owes Tax

If your C corporation's 1120 is late and reports an outstanding income tax debt, the corporation will be charged a monthly late-filing penalty of 5 percent of the outstanding tax for up to five months, explains the IRS. When the return is more than 60 days late, the minimum 1120 late filing penalty is the smaller of the tax due or ​$135​. In addition, monthly late-payment penalties accrue concurrently at the rate of 0.5 percent of the unpaid tax until the balance is paid in full or the maximum penalty of 25 percent has been reached – whichever comes first.

The late-filing penalty is reduced by 0.5 percent in any month that the late-payment payment penalty is imposed; however, monthly interest is also charged on all unpaid tax and penalties until the corporation pays the balance. One way to have these penalties waived is to convince the IRS that the late filing was due to reasonable cause, though this generally requires more than just inconvenience or ignorance of the filing deadline.

Shareholders Owe Tax

As a shareholder of an "S" corporation, you're required to report a portion of the business's profits on your personal tax return. If you fail to file your 1040 by the deadline, and taxes are owed to the IRS, you're subject to the same interest charges and late-filing and late-payment penalties that are imposed on "C" corporations.