Free Survival PDFs, Manuals, & Downloads

Printed survival manual covers from PDFs displayed on a wood table.

TruePrepper Logo 2023

Information is power. We share free survival manual PDFs and other related documents for download.


July 8, 2024

Latest update: Added CIA RPD78 under ‘Survival Manuals’ and FEMA Citizen Preparedness under ‘Preparedness Manuals’

There is a vast landscape of quality survival materials already existing that many people simply don’t have access to or don’t know where to look. Sometimes these resources also lose their online host, making them lost to all but those that already downloaded them. Rather than reproduce work on these topics, it is better to preserve them on a dedicated server.

This is why we started a prepping library or a repository of information that is useful to download and have on hand. We have plenty of resource space online, thanks to our faithful readers, subscribers, and supporters. Whether or not you choose to print or save to a mass storage device is up to you.

All of our PDF files are pre-compressed, conventionally named, and organized. This means you can fit more on a thumb drive and actually find what you need when you need it. We host them ourselves so you can skip sketchy download sites and messy PDFs. You can also download all of the resources at once, using our new One-Click Download.

Contents (Jump to a Section)

US Military Manuals

These free manuals from the military can be a good starting point for your prepper library. They cover plenty of topics but are concise and easy to understand. The manuals are written for everyone- from privates all the way up to generals so they are easy for anyone to follow in stressful situations.

Military Survival Guides

Survival-specific manuals and guides are the top priority for your prepper library. If you served in the US military, you’ll likely recognize these as they made us carry them around and learn sections from a few of them.