Policies vs Standards vs Controls vs Procedures

When it comes to cybersecurity compliance, words have specific meaning and it is important to get those terms correct. In reality, these cybersecurity documentation terms have quite different implications and those differences should be kept in mind since the use of improper terminology has cascading effects that can negatively impact the internal controls of an organization.

Cybersecurity, IT professionals, privacy and legal professionals routinely abuse the terms “policy” and “standard” as if these words were synonymous, when they are not! ComplianceForge compiled the information on this page to help get everyone on the same sheet of music, since documentation terminology is important as these words have specific meanings as they pertain to cybersecurity and privacy requirements.

Cybersecurity & data protection documentation needs to usable – it cannot just exist in isolation. This means the documentation needs to be written clearly, concisely and in a business-context language that users can understand. By doing so, users will be able to find the information they are looking for and that will lead to cybersecurity and privacy "best practices" being implemented throughout your organization. Additionally, having clearly-written and concise documentation can be “half the battle” when preparing for an audit, since it shows that effort went into the program and key requirements can be easily found.

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A common question is “What is the difference between a policy vs a standard?”

In simple terms, a policy is a high-level statement of management intent that formally establishes requirements to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is intended to come from the CEO or board of directors that has strategic implications. However, a standard is a formally-established requirement in regard to a process, action or configuration that is meant to be an objective, quantifiable expectation to be met (e.g., 8 character password, change passwords every 90 days, etc.).

In reality, no one should ever ask for an exception to a policy . Exceptions should only be for standards when there is a legitimate business reason or technical limitation that precludes a standard from being followed (e.g., vulnerability scanning exception for a "fragile" application that breaks when scanned by the default scanning profile). It is important that if a standard is granted an exception, there should be a compensating control placed to reduce that increased risk from the lack of the required standard (e.g., segment off the application that cannot be scanned for vulnerabilities).

If you visualize these concepts, you can see the hierarchical nature of these documentation components, where policies are the foundation that everything builds upon:

complianceforge nist csf vs iso 27002 vs nist 800-171 vs nist 800-53 compliance documentation

All too often, documentation is not scoped properly, and this leads to the governance function being more of an obstacle as compared to an asset. A multiple-page “policy” document that blends high-level security concepts (e.g., policies), configuration requirements (e.g., standards), and work assignments (e.g., procedures) is an example of poor governance documentation that leads to confusion and inefficiencies across technology, cybersecurity, and privacy operations. Several reasons why this form of documentation is considered poorly-architected documentation include:

What Right Looks Like

In the context of good cybersecurity documentation, components are hierarchical and build on each other to build a strong governance structure that utilizes an integrated approach to managing requirements. Well-designed documentation is generally comprised of six (6) main parts:

  1. Policies establish management’s intent;
  2. Control Objectives identify leading practices (mapped to requirements from laws, regulations and frameworks);
  3. Standards provide quantifiable requirements;
  4. Controls identify desired conditions that are expected to be met (requirements from laws, regulations and frameworks);
  5. Procedures / Control Activities establish how tasks are performed to meet the requirements established in standards and to meet controls; and
  6. Guidelines are recommended, but not mandatory.

policy vs standard vs procedure vs control

Understanding Basic Cybersecurity & Data Protection Documentation Components

Since words have meanings, it is important to provide examples from industry-recognized sources for the proper use of these terms that make up cybersecurity & privacy documentation:

Cybersecurity Policy

Policies are high-level statements of management intent from an organization’s executive leadership that are designed to influence decisions and guide the organization to achieve the desired outcomes. Policies are enforced by standards and further implemented by procedures to establish actionable and accountable requirements. Policies are a business decision, not a technical one. Technology determines how policies are implemented. Policies usually exist to satisfy an external requirement (e.g., law, regulation and/or contract).