Business Administration, Finance Concentration, B.A.

Admission to the Business Administration major involves two steps. Students who apply to the major are initially classified as Pre-Business. After completing the lower-division core requirements with a “C” (2.0) or better, students may apply to the Business Administration major.

All of the following requirements must be met for the degree. Students must earn a “C” (2.0) or better in each core course listed below. For assistance in interpreting these requirements, contact the Business Advising Center.

Required Lower-Division Core Courses

Required Upper-Division Core Courses

Business Practicum Requirement (3 units)

Must be completed with an approved practicum course with a “C” (2.0) or better. For assistance in selecting an approved course, contact the Business Advising Center.

Global Business Requirement (3 units)

Required Capstone Core Course

Other Requirements, Grades and Residence

Grade-Point Average (GPA). Maintain at least a 2.0 gradepoint average in all college level units attempted, in all units attempted at CSUF, in all units attempted in the major and in all units attempted in the concentration. Earn at least a “C” (2.0) in each core course and in each of the following concentrations: Accounting, Information Systems and Decision Sciences. A “C-” (1.7) or lower is not a passing grade.

Grade option. Take all required core courses and all required concentration courses in the College of Business and Economics for a letter grade (A,B,C,D,F). The Credit/No Credit grading option may not be used for these courses, and a grade of CR (credit) will not satisfy the requirements for the degree. Exception: Courses in calculus may be taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option; however, if it is also taken to meet general education requirements then it must be taken for a letter grade.

Residence. At least 30 units in the major and at least one-half of the units in the concentration (except Accounting, which requires 15) must be taken in residence in the College of Business and Economics; at least 15 of the last 24 units before graduation must be taken in residence in the College of Business and Economics.

Additional Information

† Required of business majors with a concentration in economics

‡ May be taken by business majors, in lieu of ECON 315

* Accounting concentration and Joint Emphasis in Accounting and Information Systems students are exempt from this course

Required Concentration Courses (18-24 units)

See listing of concentration requirements below.

Finance Concentration (18 units)

Finance is an academic discipline with direct and practical business applications. It provides a decision-making framework to help businesses manage productive assets, such as accounts receivable, short­ and long-term inventories, and plant, equipment and intangible assets. The Finance concentration offers opportunites to develop skills in various areas of finance, while gaining an understanding of how companies function in terms of their financing activities, risk management and investment decisions. The program also helps students maximize their potential for employment after graduation by providing practical skills and a broad understanding of how companies function in competitive environments and how financial markets operate.

Required Courses (6 units)

Electives (12 units)

Students are strongly advised to focus on one advisory track in completing the 12 units in finance electives and to seek advisement when selecting courses.