AKRA rule book updates

AKRA would like to apologize for the need to enter this insert to the book. During the time of additions and subtractions many of those involved were ill.

Pg 11 H. Fuel Systems: 2. Fuel lines must be safety wrapped at all connection points. ( ADD ) If fuel filter is used it must be placed before the fuel pump.

Pg 20: Generic 4 cycle tech procedure: Section B ( DELETE ) Set the engine such that the centerline axis of the spark plug hole is plumb. (ADD ) Set the engine with the pto side towards inspector. Level the valve cover gasket area. Tilt the engine to the right a total of 6 degrees.

Pg. 50 Carburetor requirements: ADD The fuel filter if used, must be placed before the fuel pump.

Pg 53. Camshaft Requirements: ( DELETE ) Running lift should be checked in front of the rocker arm on the valve retainer. Preloading dial indicator not required for this check, check lift as run. Once dial indicator has been set to zero dial indicator must not be reset until check has been verified.

(ADD ). Running lift will be checked by the new running lift tool. Running lift will be checked at the tip of the valve stem. When checking lift without the use of the degree wheel, piston should be as close to top dead center as possible before setting dial indicator to “0”. To view a video on proper use of the tool go to this link:

Pg 53. Blower Housing Assembly: (DELETE ) Running lift will be checked by the new running lift tool. Running lift will be checked at the tip of the valve stem. When checking lift without the use of the degree wheel, piston should be as close to top dead center as possible before setting dial indicator to “0”. To view a video on proper use of the tool go to this link:

Pg 55 Bore and Stroke: ( DELETE ) Stock bore is 2.685” and may be over bored to 2.745” (approximately .060” overbore).

( ADD ) Stock bore is 2.678 and may be over bored to 2.758 ( approximately .080 overbore )

Pg 56 Bore and Stroke: Stock bore is 2.685” and may be over bored to 2.718” Stroke is 2.123” +.010”-.005”.